Developer connect Postman and first API call

You really have to start requesting developer connect account to clientsuccess questions email, if your administrator has not started and got developer account yet. They need to sign agreement through Adobe Echosign etc which will cost nothing but only a competent person from your Encompass admin can sign. Then Developer connect will be provisioned. Once you get access then you have to go to developer ellie mae address and sign in. Once sign in is completed, you have to get API key for your Encompass instance.

To use the Developer Connect APIs, it is important that you have a basic knowledge of RESTful web services and familiarity with Encompass.

To get your API key:
1. Log in to the developer portal.
2. Click My Account in the top left and select API Key from the menu

3. On the API Key page, click Sign In

The Encompass Log In screen appears.
Tip: If the sign in screen does not appear, try logging in using “incognito mode” to avoid
cached credentials.
4. Sign in using your Super Admin credentials. Provide the following:
• Instance Name (or SmartClient ID). Production environments usually start with BE, and Test environments typically start with TEBE.
• User ID. Your Encompass user ID (or user name) for the Encompass instance.
• Password. Your Encompass password for the Encompass instance.

5. Click Log In.
If your log in is successful, the API Key screen will open again and display the Client ID (OAuth) and Client Secret.

6. Copy the data provided in the Client ID (OAuth) and Client Secret fields. You can do so by clicking Copy next to each field.
Clicking Regenerate Secret will break any current Developer Connect applications that might be using this API key.
7. Paste the Client ID (OAuth) and Client Secret into a text editor.

Set Up Postman for Testing
Postman is an API development tool I recommend for testing the Developer Connect APIs. It is a GUI REST client that is easy to configure and use. We provide a Developer Connect API collection for you to import into Postman so that you can test Developer Connect endpoints with various parameters.
This guide provides general steps for setting up Postman to test Developer Connect APIs only. If you are new to Postman and want to learn more about working in Postman, visit the
Postman Learning Center for user documentation and training videos.
If you do not already have Postman installed, follow the instructions below to download and install it now. Otherwise, continue with the instructions for importing the Developer Connect Postman
To install Postman:
1. Go to

2. Install the desktop app by clicking the appropriate icon for your operating system.

3. Install as you would any other application. If you have any questions about installing Postman, refer to the Installing and Updating page in the Postman Learning Center.

Download the Developer Connect Postman Collection
The most current Developer Connect Postman collection is available for download on the developer portal.
To download the Developer Connect Postman collection:
1. Go to the developer portal and log in.
2. In the navigation menu on the left side of the page, scroll down to the Resources area, then click Download Postman Collection.
3. Right click Developer Connect Postman Collection, select Save Link as, then save the file as “Dev_Connect_collection.json”.
Tip: Keep your browser open. You will return to this page to copy the Postman Environment JSON in the next set of steps

Import the Collection into Postman
To import the collection into Postman:
1. Open Postman app and sign in when prompted. If this is your first time launching Postman, create an account and then sign in.
2. Open a Workspace by clicking Workspaces from the top navigation menu and selecting a workspace (for example, My Workspace).

3. Click Import.

4. In the Import dialog, click Upload Files. Select the Developer Connect Postman collection you downloaded earlier, and then click Import.

5. The Developer Connect Postman collection is added to your workspace.

  1. Click Import again.
  2. In the Import dialog, click Upload Files.
  3. Select the Developer Connect postman_environment collection you downloaded earlier, and then click Import.
  4. Next, set the active environment to ENV_Developer_Sharing_EDC. To do so, click the Environment field at the top right of Postman, the select ENV_Developer_Sharing_EDC from the drop-down list.

10. The environment variables for ENV_Developer_Sharing_EDC are displayed in the tab that opens.

  1. Edit the following environment variables:
Change this variable… To…
client_id The unique identifier for the client application. This is the API client ID portion of the API key, which is available from the Developer Portal > My Account > API Key or from your Encompass Super Administrator.
client_secret The secret for the client application. This is the API client secret portion of the API key, which is available from the Developer Portal > My Account > API Key or from your Encompass Super Administrator.
instance The Encompass instance ID.
smart_client_user Encompass user ID.
smart_client_password Encompass password.

ofcourse API server variable also to

Make Your First Developer Connect API Call

Every call made to your instance via Developer Connect must be authenticated.

To make the first call:

  1. In Postman workspace, expand the Developer Connect API collection, then open the call 00a – Get Security Token.
  2. You should see a response with a bearer token to which will be used on subsequent calls.
  3. The “Test” feature in Postman uses javascript to execute code after a response is received. It can be used for many purposes, among them is the ability to set environment variables based on the response. The call to get a token, for instance, has code to add this into a token variable called ACCESS_TOKEN.
  4. From Sample to Useful

    One helpful feature of Postman is the ability to generate a code snippet for a specific API call. This is useful for developing and debugging your Developer Connect applications.

    To generate a code snippet for an API call:

    1. From any call, click the Code option (</> ) on the right side of the screen.
    2. This will show you a code snippet of that specific call populated with all variables you provided.
      (The values below are purposefully not provided for demonstration purposes. For example, loanId and ACCESS_TOKEN are purposefully undefined.)
    3. Choose from one of the many flavors of code snippets.

Loan Data Element Formats and Descriptors

Every data element is assigned an explicit format that defines the data type of the element (such as integer or string) and the display format for the element (e.g. the number of decimal places to display).

The following table contains the data element formats used within Encompass:

Format Data Type Display Format/Restrictions
STRING String None
YN String “”, “Y” or “N”
X String “” or “X”
ZIPCODE String nnnnn-nnnn
STATE String Two-character abbreviation
PHONE String nnn-nnn-nnnn nnnn
SSN String nnn-nn-nnnn
INTEGER Int n,nnn
DECIMAL Decimal n,nnn.n…
DECIMAL_1 Decimal n,nnn.n
DECIMAL_2 Decimal n,nnn.nn
DECIMAL_3 Decimal n,nnn.nnn
DECIMAL_4 Decimal n,nnn.nnnn
DATE DateTime MM/dd/yyyy
DROPDOWN** String None
DROPDOWNLIST** String Only values specific in the ptions list allowed.
AUDIT** String Read-only

HTTP Status Codes

Successful Request Responses

Status Code Description
200 Request Successful
201 Entity Created
Returned when a new entity is created based on the POST/PUT request as well as the Location HTTP header. Shows the newly created entity’s unique URL which includes the primary key/ID for that entity.
202 Request Accepted (asynchronous services only).
Returned when accepting any asynchronous web service requests to indicate the request will be processed but not requiring the client to remain waiting for a response.
204 No Content
Returned when no HTTP body is needed, such as a DELETE request.
304 Not Modified
Returned with entity requests using the If-None-Match header to show that the entity data the client has is the latest version, so no payload/body will be returned to the requestor.

Invalid Request Responses

Status Code Description
400 Bad request
Generic indicator that something is wrong with the request, usually invalid parameters. Check your request before resubmitting.
401 Unauthorized
Returned when invalid credentials are provided during login. The security token is invalid or expired.
403 Forbidden
Returned if a user has requested access to an entity that is not allowed for their role/group.
404 Resource not found
Returned when either REST service URL is invalid or the entity requested was not found.
405 Method not allowed
Returned if the HTTP method used for the resource is not one of the allowed values supported by that entity.
409 Conflict
Returned when the requested service call conflicts with the current state of the object of the service.
410 Gone
Indicates that the REST API is deprecated. Please update to the newer version.
413 Payload Too Large
The request is larger than the server is willing, or able, to process.
415 Unsupported Media Type
Returned when the requestor has a media type the server or resource does not support.
418 Expectation Failed
I’m a teapot (RFC 2324).
The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
429 Too Many Requests
If governing usage per a given client’s periodic allowance to access the API, this response indicates they have exceeded their current levels for this period. This should be preceded however by usage of the X-Rate-Limit-*** HTTP headers to show usage levels are approaching their period’s threshold.

Internal Error Responses

Status Code Description
500 Internal Server Error.
Generic error that captures all errors resulting from unexpected errors within the “system”, where the “system” refers to both the RESTful service and all components used internally to satisfy the request. This can include internal service bus errors, platform service errors, database errors, etc.
503 Service Unavailable
The server is currently unavailable, either overloaded or down for maintenance.

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