So, your borrower is saying when he tries to login he gets this error and you are scratching your head what has gone wrong? First step is go to consumer connect and tries to see in Borrower lookup that if borrower has used and connected loan with a separate email long back and now completely …
Month: December 2022
Encompass developer connect – Postman – Get a loan
So, here is a C# code to get a loan in Encompass developer connect, I already explained how to get developer connect, install postman etc and how to start. Please go through previous post for more info or ask me. var client = new RestClient(“{32charactersguidwith4dashes}”); client.Timeout = -1; var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.AddHeader(“Authorization”, “Bearer …
Developer connect Postman and first API call
You really have to start requesting developer connect account to clientsuccess questions email, if your administrator has not started and got developer account yet. They need to sign agreement through Adobe Echosign etc which will cost nothing but only a competent person from your Encompass admin can sign. Then Developer connect will be provisioned. Once …