Jr. Processor persona not able to see the eFolder documents

Resolution: – Roll access to documents is the only way the new persona will be able to see the existing loans
– Remember once the Rights are given they cannot be taken back
– Go to the loan
– Go to eFolder
– Highlight documents you want to give efolder Roll access
– Click the right mouse
– Click Set Document Access Rights
– Grant permissions by checking the box

If you want that future loans can get permission automatically then you have to go in Settings -> Business Rules ->Role Access to Documents and select persona ‘if a document is added by’ and in the right side box select role and also check ‘apply these settings……….’ checkbox.

Document Access Rights can be manually edited on Non-Protected documents via the
button. To Automatically assign Document Access Rights,the Default Access section of the Role Access to Documents settings menu must be configured.
Encompass ->Settings->Business Rules->Role Access to Documents->Default Access

Administrators can leverage this settings menu to define Document Access Rights based on the Role(s) of the Encompass user who creates the Documentplaceholder within the eFolder. The
Others role is used as a catch all for Encompass users who are not assigned to a specific role within the loan file. If an Encompass user is assigned to more than one Role on the loan, the Document Access Rights defined for each Role the user is assigned to will be applied to the Document. This means that the Enabled Roles for the Document’s Document Access Rights will be a combination of all of the Role Access to Documents permissions for each Role the user is assigned to.

Role Access to Documents defines:

If a document is added by:  ” the “Loan Officer” role, then the user assigned to the ” Shipper ” role will be able to access to the Document.

If a document is added by: ” the “Loan Officer” role, then the user assigned to the ” Closer ” role will be able to access to the Document.
An Encompass user is assigned to a loan file’s File Contact Tool as both the Loan Officer and Loan Processor roles. When this user creates a document, the document’s Document Access Rights
will be marked as Enabled for both the Shipper and Closer roles.
Document Access Rights are Most Restrictive. This means that, if a user is assigned to a loan as both the Loan Officer and Loan Processor roles and a document has Document Access Rights
where the Loan Officer is Enabled, but Loan Processor is Disabled, then user will not be able to access the document due to their Loan Processor role.
Below is the logic to the Default Access section within Role Access to Documents settings:
If the setting “Apply these settings to the role even when the role is not assigned to the loan” is Disabled
If the user creating the eFolder document is Not assigned to loan:
Apply Role Access to Documents permissions “If a document is added by:”
If the user creating the eFolder document Is assigned to loan: Apply Role Access to Documents permissions “If a document is added by:” for the Role(s) the user is assigned to. If the setting “Apply these settings to the role even when the role is not assigned to the loan” is Enabled:
If the user creating the eFolder document is Not assigned to loan: Apply Role Access to Documents permissions “If a document is added by:” for the Role(s) that the user could apply to.
If the user creating the eFolder document Is assigned to loan: Apply Role Access to Documents permissions “If a document is added by:” for the Role(s) the user is assigned to.

**Note: Changing the setting “Apply these settings to the role even when the role is not assigned to the loan” requires to Encompass users to log out of Encompass completely and then sign in again, in order to take effect.

**Note: The the Role of the user who added the Document will always be marked as Enabled within Document Access Rights.



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