Loan teams will get an error message if special characters are used in file names.
If a document file name contains any special characters/symbols [@, #, $, %, &, (, ), *, +,~,!,^] this error will be displayed by Encompass when importing documents from Blend.
Resolution :-
1. Navigate to the Docs tab.
2. Click on the document name to download it on your computer.
- Update the file name and remove any special characters. As in the example above remove the pound sign [ # ] and parenthesis [ ) ].
Save the updated file on your desktop.
3. Click Upload File to re-upload the updated file from your computer.
a. Select the file.
b. Select file Type.
c. Select Borrower name.
d. Check box for Share file with borrower(s), if desired.
e. Click Upload.
4. Follow steps of importing documents into Encompass.