Here are some snippets from the plugin to move attachments to a folder
foreach (Attachment attachment in currentLoan.Attachments)
List<string> stringList = new List<string>();
string str1 = docTitle;
char[] chArray = new char[1]{ ‘,’ };
foreach (string str2 in str1.Split(chArray))
foreach (string str in stringList)
if (attachment.Title == str && attachment.GetDocument() == null)
folder = true;
The above code is written in C# and uses a foreach loop to iterate through a collection of `Attachment` objects, presumably part of an object called `currentLoan`. Let’s break down what this code is doing step by step:
1. `foreach (Attachment attachment in currentLoan.Attachments)`: This line initiates a foreach loop that iterates through each `Attachment` object in the `Attachments` collection of the `currentLoan` object.
2. `List<string> stringList = new List<string>();`: Here, a new `List<string>` named `stringList` is created. This list will be used to store strings.
3. Inside the `try` block, the code attempts to split the `docTitle` string into multiple strings based on a comma (`,`) delimiter. If the split is successful, it adds the resulting substrings to the `stringList` using the `Add` method. If there is an exception (an error occurs during the splitting process), it catches the exception and adds the original `docTitle` to the `stringList`.
4. `foreach (string str in stringList)`: After populating the `stringList`, another foreach loop is used to iterate through each string in the list.
5. Inside this inner loop, the code checks if the `Title` property of the current `attachment` object matches the current `str` (a string from the `stringList`) and if the `GetDocument()` method of the `attachment` object returns `null`.
6. If both conditions are met, the `attachment` object is added to an `attachmentList`, and the `folder` variable is set to `true`.
In summary, this code is iterating through a collection of `Attachment` objects, checking if their `Title` matches any of the substrings obtained from splitting the `docTitle` string by commas. If a match is found and the `GetDocument()` method of the `attachment` returns `null`, the `attachment` is added to an `attachmentList`, and the `folder` variable is set to `true`. This code appears to be filtering attachments based on certain criteria and storing the filtered attachments in a separate list.