Every Encompass system defines the roles which users will take on within a loan as it moves from milestone to milestone. Typical examples include the Loan Officer, Loan Processor and Underwriter roles. Roles can be used to determine the set of business rules which govern the user’s access to specific loan features or areas.
Users are assigned to roles on a loan-by-loan basis. Thus, a user who is in the Loan Officer role for one loan may be in the Loan Processor role for another. Additionally a user can be assigned to multiple roles within the same loan file, for example both Loan Officer and Loan Processor. Whenever a user is assigned to a role within a loan, that user is said to be a loan associate for the loan.
The EncompassObjects API allows you to inspect and modify the set of loan associates assigned to a particular loan through the Loan.Associates collection. For example, you can determine what, if any, users are assigned to the Loan Officer role.
Role lo = session.Loans.Roles.GetRoleByAbbrev(“LO”);
LoanAssociateList associates = loan.Associates.GetAssociates-ByRole(lo);
foreach (LoanAssociate associate in associates)
Note that a user’s assigned role within a loan is different from their loan access rights – a user who can access the loan may not be a loan associate, meaning they have no assigned role within the loan. On the other hand, a loan team member always has implicit read/write rights for a loan. These rights cannot be revoked except by removing the user as a loan team member.
Within a loan file there are two types of roles: • Milestone roles, which are those associated with a particular milestone in the loan, and
• Milestone-free roles, which are those that are not associated with any milestone. The association between milestones and roles is configurable for each Encompass system (Banker Edition
only), and a single role can be associated with multiple milestones (although a milestone can only be mapped to a single role). Thus, multiple users can be assigned to the
same role but at different milestones.
For example, the user “john” may be the loan associate assigned to the Loan Officer role for the Approval milestone while “mary” may be the Loan Officer assigned for the
Funding milestone. When a role is associated with multiple milestones it is possible to have more than one loan associate in the role. However, in all other cases, Encompass limits the loan to having a single user in any given role.
You can determine whether a loan associate’s role is a milestone role by accessing the LoanAssociate.MilestoneEvent property. This property will be null if the role is a milestone-free role or it will reference the MilestoneEvent log entry with which the role is bound. Similarly, if you have a reference to a MilestoneEvent object, you can directly access the LoanAssociate for that
milestone. If the milestone is associated with a role, this property will be non-null and you can use it to set the user assigned to corresponding role.