In Encompass loan file, auth or authorization code is automatically generated because of company status online and now it is disabled and you can not change. One workaround is to change email address of that borrower or coborrower for which it is disabled. Then it may allow to change auth code.
Month: February 2022
Mavent failure 5000952 5000954 and 5000955
First go to disclosure tracking and take note of LE sent date received date etc. Now, try to create a new manual LE disclosure by clicking ‘+’ icon in Disclosure tracking. It should be in ‘Details’ ‘sent method’ is ‘In Person’. In Reasons section-> select ‘Change circumstances’ Reason->Revision requested by consumer and enter …
LOconnect establishment
First, be sure you are using a VPN if you are outside of the USA as the amazon server blocks access of loconnect from outside of the USA. Open below link in mobile browser or desktop browser. Login with your encompass client id. If you already have ‘PingID’ app on your mobile then great, …
You want a document name / bucket name in File Manager where you can drag files or auto assign or train
How to create a document name where we can drag any file or auto assign or train document to be assigned in File Manager Settings->Efolder->Documents Click on new document icon on top right, plus with document icon and give it a name, description and needed. Now, in Loan templates->Document sets, double click on any set …