Error When Utilizing Arch Mortgage Insurance Or National Mortgage Insurance

An Error Has Occurred. There Is An Error In XML Document (19,79). At System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Seserialize(XmlReaderxmlReader, String EncodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents Events) At System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserializer(TextReader TextReader) At EMNETWORK.B.A(Bd& A_0, String A_1, Y A_2, String&A_3) At EMNETWORK.B.B(Bd& A_0) At EMNETWORK.Av.G(Bd& A_0) At EMNETWORK.Av.D(Bd& A_0) At EMNETWORK.B.W() At EMNETWORK.B.L()

Error When Utilizing Arch Mortgage Insurance Or National Mortgage Insurance
Invalid Data Entry
Resolution Steps
Solution 1
  1. Check Fields [145], [148], And [151] For Description Of Other Income In Page 2 Of The 1003.
  2. Note: The Below Values Are Supported:
AlimonyChildSupport | AutomobileExpenseAccount | Base | Bonus | Commissions | DividendsInterest | FosterCare | NetRentalIncome | NotesReceivableInstallment | OtherTypesOfIncome | Overtime | Pension | SocialSecurity | SubjectPropertyNetCashFlow | Trust | Unemployment | PublicAssistance | VABenefitsNonEducational | MortgageDifferential | MilitaryBasePay | MilitaryRationsAllowance | MilitaryFlightPay | MilitaryHazardPay | MilitaryClothesAllowance | MilitaryQuartersAllowance | MilitaryPropPay | MilitaryOverseasPay | MilitaryCombatPay | MilitaryVariableHousingAllowance
If Tip Income Foreign Income Or Another Value Not Listed Above Is Entered, XML Error Will Occur. Please Select Other And Resubmit.
Solution 2
  1. Remove Each Verification (VOE, VOL, VOM, Etc.) One-By-One.
  2. Note: Make Sure To Test After You Remove Each One To See Which One Was Causing The Error. There Is Most Likely Bad Data In The Verification That Was Deleted, So The Information Will Need To manually entered. If The Error Persists After Checking Each Verification, Then Remove The Information In The “Other Income” Section Of The FNMA Streamlined 1003 And Test.
Solution 3
  1. Confirm That Field ID MORNET.X67 Is Set To “Full Documentation”. If This Is Set To Another Selection Is Could Trigger The Error
  2. Check Field IDs 305, 1040, 17, 11, 1119, 1201 And MORNET.X40 For Invalid Data
Solution 4
  1. Confirm Field ID 3840 Is Checked Stating There Is Not A Co-Applicant When There Actually Is. If This Is The Case, Then Un-Check This Field And Test.

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