Mavent State and license issue

If Mavent throws error for state laws and licenses then there are three places we have to enter state license details Encompass settings->company user setup->company information->Licenses Select the appropriate state and corresponding license and check it. 2. Select organization / users from top administration and if all users of that loan file are in whatever …

Mavent failure 1000704 and 1001121

  Vacation Home Mavent is calculating MI for life of loan – conventional. Mavent is coded to drop off MI at 78% for First Lien, Primary Residence, Single Family (Units =1) conventional loans.  For loans where the property type is listed as Conventional SECOND/VACATION HOME, Conventional INVESTMENT PROPERTY, or Conventional MULTI UNIT PROPERTY (UNITS = 2-4), …

Mavent failure Order vs Preview

Order Vs Preview If you are running order and fail but pass on a preview there have been changes to the file since the last disclosure. Mavent is looking for a new disclosure to be run in order to pass. REVIEW/ORDER: an Order utilizes the last disclosed information and compares it to what is currently …

Loan folder setup and visibility

Use loan folders to organize your loans into groups. You can create folders to group loans by categories such as month of origination, loan status, or loan type. When you generate reports and view information on the Dashboard, you can select which folders to include. Keep this in mind when you are planning, creating, and managing …