how to automate COC in encompass

To automate COC (Change of Circumstance) in Encompass, we can follow these steps: Identify the COC fields in Encompass that need to be updated based on certain conditions or events. Determine the trigger for the COC. This could be a specific event, such as a borrower’s income or employment status changing, or a specific date …

Restrict LE and CD after CD issue

Here are codes in c# to restrict CD and LE after CD issuance using EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.Loans; using EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.Users; using EllieMae.Encompass.Client; using EllieMae.Encompass.Collections; using System; namespace MyBusinessRules { public class CdIssueDateRestriction { [BusinessRuleComponent(“Restrict LE and CD Changes after CD Issue Date is Entered”)] public static void RestrictCdAndLeChanges(Loan loan) { // Retrieve the CD Issue Date field value …

General QM price limit exceeded

In this file, there was no Mavent report ran and the APOR field is blank. The APOR is needed to calculate the correct General Qualified Mortgage Loan Price-Based threshold. Since Mavent populates the APOR field (Field 3134) when a Mavent report is ran then to populate the APOR, run a Mavent report under Encompass tools …

Create a form in input form builder to accept search text and based on input we can search field name in Encompass and display its details and how to create DLL to achieve same result in Visual Studio

Create a form in the input form builder to accept search text and based on input we can search field name in Encompass and display its details and how to create DLL to achieve same result in Visual Studio Open the Input Form Builder in Encompass and create a new form. Drag and drop a …

Create a TPO portal using Encompass API

Steps to create a TPO portal using Encompass API:- Get Encompass API credentials: To use the Encompass API, you need API credentials, including a Client ID and a Client Secret. You can get these credentials by registering an API application with Ellie Mae. Choose a programming language: The Encompass API supports several programming languages, including …

Using encompass API to batch update lender name

So, here are sample codes using Encompass API to batch update lender name using EllieMae.Encompass.Api; using EllieMae.Encompass.BusinessObjects.Loans; // Authenticate with Encompass API Session session = new Session(); session.Start(“encompass_api_user”, “encompass_api_password”); // Define loan filter criteria for batch update LoanFilter loanFilter = new LoanFilter(); loanFilter.AddFilter(LoanField.LoanFolder, “MyFolder”); loanFilter.AddFilter(LoanField.LoanStatus, LoanStatus.Active); // Retrieve loans matching the filter criteria LoanData[] loans …

How to send email in encompass using codes

Here’s an example code in Python that demonstrates how to send an email using the Encompass API: This is in ‘python’ import requests import json url = ‘{}/email’ access_token = ‘YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN’ borrower_id = ‘BORROWER_ID’ headers = { ‘Authorization’: f’Bearer {access_token}’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ } data = { ‘subject’: ‘Hello from Encompass’, ‘body’: ‘This is a test …