Encompass method that moves an attachment in Encompass to a specified document folder.

So, here are some codes of a method explaining how we can move attachments in Encompass to a specified document folder

This method MoveToFolder takes two parameters, docTitle and docBucket, both of type string. It returns a bool value indicating whether or not the document was moved to the folder.

Inside the method, first, it gets the current loan and the session from the Encompass application. It then creates a new list of attachments to be added to the folder, sets two boolean values to false, and sets the cursor to a waiting state.

Then, it loops through each attachment in the current loan’s attachments collection. It splits the docTitle parameter into a list of strings using a comma as a delimiter. It then checks if the attachment’s title matches any of the strings in the list and if the attachment does not have a document. If both conditions are true, it adds the attachment to the attachmentList and sets the folder boolean to true.

Next, it loops through each tracked document in the current loan’s log’s tracked documents collection. It checks if the docBucket parameter matches the title of any of the tracked documents. If it does, it sets the flag boolean to true.

If the flag boolean is false, it gets the document template with the docBucket title from the session’s loans templates documents collection. It then adds a new tracked document to the current loan’s log’s tracked documents collection using the AddFromTemplate method, passing in the document template and the milestone event name of the next milestone in the loan’s log.

Then, it gets a list of tracked documents with the docBucket title from the current loan’s log’s tracked documents collection. If the list is not empty, it gets the first tracked document from the list.

Finally, if the folder boolean is true, it loops through each attachment in the attachmentList and attaches it to the tracked document. The method then returns the folder boolean value, indicating whether or not the document was moved to the folder.


Public Function MoveToFolder(ByVal docTitle As String, ByVal docBucket As String) As Boolean
Dim currentLoan As Loan = EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan
Dim session As Session = DirectCast(currentLoan, SessionBoundObject).Session
Dim attachmentList As New List(Of Attachment)()
Dim folder As Boolean = False
Dim flag As Boolean = False
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
For Each attachment As Attachment In currentLoan.Attachments
Dim stringList As New List(Of String)()
Dim str1 As String = docTitle
Dim chArray As Char() = {“,”c}
For Each str2 As String In str1.Split(chArray)
End Try
For Each str As String In stringList
If attachment.Title = str AndAlso attachment.GetDocument() Is Nothing Then
folder = True
End If
For Each trackedDocument As TrackedDocument In DirectCast(currentLoan.Log.TrackedDocuments, LoanLogEntryCollection)
If trackedDocument.Title = docBucket Then
flag = True
Exit For
End If
If Not flag Then
Dim templateByTitle As DocumentTemplate = session.Loans.Templates.Documents.GetTemplateByTitle(docBucket)
currentLoan.Log.TrackedDocuments.AddFromTemplate(templateByTitle, EncompassApplication.CurrentLoan.Log.MilestoneEvents.NextEvent.MilestoneName)
End If
Dim documentsByTitle As LogEntryList = currentLoan.Log.TrackedDocuments.GetDocumentsByTitle(docBucket)
If CType(documentsByTitle, CollectionBase).Count > 0 Then
Dim trackedDocument As TrackedDocument = CType(documentsByTitle(0), TrackedDocument)
If folder Then
For Each attachment As Attachment In attachmentList
End If
End If
Return folder
End Function




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