Encompass – How to generate only a Planned Unit Development Rider (PUD) Rider, only a Condo Rider, or Both Riders?

How to generate only a Planned Unit Development Rider (PUD) Rider, only a Condo Rider, or Both Riders?


To Generate Both a PUD Rider and a Condominium Rider:
Step 1: Click on Forms tab and Select Transmittal Summary
Step 2: On Property Information Screen Then Click Property Type (Field 1041) as a PUD
Step 3: For only Condo Rider Select the Property Type (Field 1553) as Condominium


How to generate only a Planned Unit Development Rider (PUD) Rider, only a Condo Rider, or Both Riders?

To generate a PUD Rider, a Condominium Rider or both riders:
F3150RDU/F3150RLU – Planned Unit Development Rider (PUD Rider)
F3140RDU/F3140RLU – Condominium Rider

Option 1. Field [1553] = Condominium and Field [1041] = PUD, both Riders will generate
Option 2. Field [1553] = PUD and Field [1041] = Condominium, both Riders will generate
Option 3. Field [1553] = Condominium and Field [1041] = Condominium, only the Condo Rider will generate
Option 4. Field [1553] = PUD and Field [1041] = PUD, only the PUD Rider will generate

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