How to disable plugins at the workstation level

How to Disable Plugins at the Workstation Level



  1. Create a disabled plugin batch file.
  1. Open Notepad
  2. Copy these lines into Notepad
@echo off
for %%G in (*.dll) do (copy /Y nul “%%G”)
Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated


  1. Save as “disable plugin.bat” to your desktop or a place you prefer.


  1. Disable all the plugins at the workstation level.
  1. Copy and Paste disable plugin.bat (from Step I.3 above) to the following location
    1. C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Apps\Ellie Mae\<hash folder>=\EncompassData\Settings\Cache\<hash folder>\Plugins
    2. Keep this window open, off to the side
    3. Close completely out of all instances of Encompass
    4. Run the disable plugins.bat file by double clicking on it.
Note the file size of your plugins will change from greater than 0 (active) to 0 (inactive)
    1. When the size is 0, then the plugin is disabled.